
“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”  
Charlie Tremendous Jones

I love the above quote by Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, but instead of stopping with books I would include podcasts, blogs, and YouTube.

Ultimately whom we meet and the information we consume has a great impact on the person we become.  

The following is a list of some of the books I’ve read and would recommend in no particular order.

These are just a couple options to give you ideas.

I will continue to update this list.

 “What a man reads pours massive ingredients into his mental factory. And the fabric of his life is built from those ingredients” – Jim Rohn

“In order to change your lot in life, you have to change.” 

Quick Tip: Books can be expensive (especially when you’re trying to read 25+ books a year). Utilize your library to keep costs down.

All the best!